Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Mas De Mi Distrito

September 17, 2014    
¡Hola Mamacita!
I got your Dear Elder letter right after emailing you last week, I haven´t gotten anything else, but that´s ok. 
A couple days ago I made the mistake of telling an investigator, ¨Heavenly Father has a body of flesh and egg.¨ Oops! Everyone in the discussion caught it except for me! Oh man! Haha I will never again mistake huevo (egg) for hueso (bone).
The past week I´ve been really working on committing people to baptism. So far I have committed Hermana Kaaa, Alejandra (Hermana Kaaa´s otro identity), Elder Adams, Elder Skinner, Elder Perdue, Elder Leyva, and Hermana Savage. Yep, these are all missionaries in my district... but hey! They committed to baptism and now I have the commitment down in Spanish!
On Sunday, all the missionaries watched the Testaments. Man, I forgot how many inappropriate flirtatious scenes there were and they had two kisses! Haha leave it to the missionaries to freak out when a couple kisses. Elder Welburn from my district kept saying¨¡Satanás!¡Cerran sus ojos!¨ (Satan! close your eyes!) Man! I love having a bunch of 18-year-old missionaries! In my district all the Hermanas are 19 and all the Elders are 18 except for one who is turning 20 in a few months. It´s a lot of fun!
On Monday during our study time, we started talking about Avatar the Last Airbender and how awesome it is. Pobre Elder Skinner didn´t know what we were talking about, but the rest of them love it. We started talking about which bending we would want, but I´m still on the fence between water bending and earth bending. They are both just so great! 
On Monday we celebrated Mexican Independence Day and it was so great! We had a Mexican dancing group come and perform for us for two hours! It was awesome! Their dancing was so beautiful and their skirts and dresses were to die for! They had a dance where the women wore white dresses and balanced candles on their heads, then there was one where all the men acted like old men that danced with canes and wore colorful ponchos, masks, and funky hats. It was a little creepy, but it was very fun to watch. I tried to take pictures, but they didn´t turn out very good. 
Mexico was very much alive on Monday, there was nonstop loud music the whole entire day that when I woke up and went out of our casa the next morning by 7 am, they were still playing loud music that could very easily be heard. I loved it! Then there were constant fireworks going off that made it sound like some kind of battle field all day long. It was a little scary though because a lot of the fireworks that shot into the sky went more sideways than vertical. I wonder how many of those fireworks were homemade... :P  I love seeing Mexico on fire with the music. You can tell that the Mexicans love their country. So many of the houses that we can see on the hills have Mexican flags all over and it is so beautiful! I am so grateful to be in Mexico at this time! ¡Viva México!
I gotta tell you, my district is so awesome. Everyone is SUPER jealous of my district because we are so unified and just have fun while learning of course! :P We always play volleyball together, we always eat together, and we always sit together during devotional, sacrament meetings, etc. All the people in my district going to BYU are already thinking about making an intermural volleyball team when we go there in the Fall. Haha that will be fun at times the Elders in my district can be pretty immature, but give them the spirit and a nametag bearing Christ´s name and they become spiritual giants. They are such wonderful examples to me and I am so thankful to have them in my district.   11C (is my district)
I kind of sent that last email really fast :P I got too excited with the pictures.
The first one was on 911, I´m wearing my America scarf and watch. We have to remember to represent even though we are in a foreign country.

The second was on Mexican Independence Day, we got our Mexican colors!

The third is us pointing to our Sac-Town mission! Ya!

I just want to tell you that I love this gospel and I know that it is true. I know there will be people that will reject the gospel, but I don´t think I ever could because I know that Christ is there for us. I know that we are Heavenly Father´s children and that we are on this earth to be tried and to progress and gain experience so that one day, we can become just like him. I know that if we pray with a sincere heart and read the Book of Mormon with real intent, we can come to know the truth of all things.
Y por el poder del Espíritu Santo podráis conocer la verdad de todas las cosas. Moroni 10:5
Este Evangelio es para todas las personas en la tierra. Sé que nosotros somos los hijos del Señor. Sé que por el poder del Espíritu Santo, podemos saber todo lo que Padre Celestial nos quiere saber. Dios es mi padre y Yo soy su hija.
Para Siempre Dios esté con Vos

(And by the power of the Holy Spirit ye may  know the truth of all things. Moroni 10: 5
This Gospel is for all people on earth. I know that we are the children of the Lord . I know by the power of the Holy Spirit, we can know everything that Heavenly Father wants us to know. God is my father and I am his daughter.
Forever God is with You  With love)
 Con amor

Hermana Twitchell  

 from left to right

Elder Leyva- He reminds us of David Archuleta and he is our district leader
Elder Perdue- He is a gymnast and can do flips; it´s pretty sweet
Elder Skinner- he has the same birthday as me. He likes to sing to himself a lot and it´s sweet... well really everyone likes to sing to themselves a lot because we don´t have music!
Elder Adams- He is very enthusiastic about everything and has an amazing spike in volleyball
Elder Web- He´s funny and likes to talk like Daffy duck with Hermana Widdison
Elder Pankratz- He has a big heart and is super spiritual, it´s awesome and inspiring
Elder Welburn- He reminds us of Chris Farley and can do impersonations of almost anything. He is a spiritual giant that knows his stuff!
Elder Liddell- He really really likes butter. One time us Hermanas caught him saying to himself, ¨I like butter. I like butter.¨ IT was pretty funny.

Hermana Savage- She knows her stuff and she is very faithful and kind.
ME!!- I didn´t get a picture where I wasn´t laughing! 
Hermana Widdison- Loves everyone and she always counts down to P-day. 

I love these people; they are my family and I am so sad to leave them in 3weeks, but I know we will be going on to bigger and better things! I am so excited these past 3 weeks have gone by so fast! I feel like yesterday was last p-day!

I love you Mama!

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