Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Aug 27, 2014
Hey Mamacita!!! I made it to the CCM and I am typing on a Spanish keyboard! AHHHH!!!! Oh by the way my P days are on Wednesdays 
Love you the most!!!
Hermana Twitchell

PS I got my name tag :)

I got my Name Tag !!!!!

 Hermana Autumn Twitchell  --  Hermana Kaaa  (from Hawaii)

Flight to Dallas

Hermana Twitchell and Avram's flight to Dallas

Hermana Twitchell and Avram got to eat lunch together and then had to say Good-bye

Hermana Twitchell doesn't look too sad about leaving the family.  She is so excited which is how it should be.

I came home and was pretty sad, I watched for planes to fly over.  I’m excited for my children but sad for me.  Avram texted me a picture at 10:00 am they were eating breakfast together at Dallas, where they had to part ways.  It was fun to see them and I got to talk to Autumn so that was a lot of fun.  She is pretty excited.  Then they flew off to Mexico MTC and Washington DC.  


Checking in (Avram is in the background)

 Ready to go through security

Hermana Twitchell  --  Mom -- Avram time to say Good-bye

Elaina gave Autumn a heart ring to always wear to remember Elaina.  

Avram protecting his sister, getting ready to go through security

We got up at 2:45 am.  Avram and Autumn got up and finished getting ready.  Autumn was a bit slow so were didn’t leave at 3:30 am we left at 4:00 am but it all worked out.  When we got to the airport it was full of missionaries so that was exciting.  We met a missionary going to Sacramento too so that as nice of course all of them were going to the Mexico MTC.  Autumn was pretty excited and so was Avram.  They didn’t cry and surprisingly I didn’t cry until they left.  How can I be sad when they are so excited and didn’t I spend the last 31 years preparing my children to go on missions and go to college so they are just fulfilling a dream I had for them and what I had trained them to set as goals.  I’m so proud of them both.  It was such a comfort to me to know that they were together, it was hard to say good-bye.  We left them about 5:15 am.  

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


August 26, 2014

Autumn was set apart as Hermana Autumn Twitchell

President Stephen Sargent  and Bishop David Bates

At 6:30 pm President Sargent and Bishop Bates came and set Autumn apart as a MISSIONARY, it was special, they had her bare her testimony.  We got to each say something nice about Autumn that is going to make her a good missionary. 
Loving, Kind
Patience, organized
Testimony, hope
Has a plan and executes it
Sincerity and testimony

Patience, kindness, gift of tongues, write family each week, love your companions, that you will be healthy and safe, love the people, family has a good example, won’t get homesick,
It was a very special evening.  We stayed up late getting everything ready for Autumn she called all her siblings to say good-bye.  Autumn is now Hermana Autumn Twitchell

Sunday, August 24, 2014

FAREWELL Aug 24, 2014

Autumn gave her farewell talk 
Sunday Aug 24, 2014  at 11:00 am
Fruit Heights 1st Ward

Cafe Rio Burritos

Avram enjoying the burrito

Cousins on the Johnson side

Elliott cousins

Twitchell Cousins
Calab (going to San Jose on a mission) Avram - Autumn - Hannah - Kenzie - Leigh Ann

Twitchell Family
Ed   -   Klaudia                                            
Charley  --  Troy  --  Alison  -- Brenda  --  Virginia  --  Calvin  --  Krystal
Anita                                                  Helen

Some of the Johnson family
Ray  --  Virginia  --  Steve  --  Cindy  --  Megan  --  Camron  --  Riley
 Aug 25, 2014  Time to pack
Time to pack  ( doesn't look like Avram is packing)